Rent a Car

Rent a Car

For flexibility and convenience during your stay in Saudi Arabia, consider renting a car from the airport. With a variety of vehicles to choose from, you can easily find the right option for your needs. Car rental agencies are located in the Meet & Greet Area of the Arrivals Hall, offering a seamless experience as you continue your journey.

Company Contact No. E-mail

+966 558020501
(+966) 12 6591444

+966 504447916

92 000 2909

+966 549110329


92 000 4214

+966 555603793

+966 14 8139759

+966 565920952

+966 14 8139601


Frequently Asked Questions

Schedules, price information and ticket operations regarding flights are under the control and responsibility of the airline companies. You can access detailed and accurate information from your airline company.
Yes. You need to make your subscription within one hour of entering the car park.
Our terminal and our parking provide 24 hour services and you can make your subscription transaction any time of the day in a very short time.
Airline companies are responsible for all procedures after check-in, during loading of luggage to aircraft and afterwards. Therefore you should make your application to related airlines company Lost-Damaged Luggage Units with your identification and luggage information.